The Under Armour Senior Bowl is the biggest all star game in college football. Each year, the best senior collegiate football players are invited to Ladd Peebles Stadium in Mobile, AL to play in front of NFL coaches, scouts, and general managers. These players also hope that participating in the Senior Bowl will increase their skills, and improve their draft stock as well.
This is a promo for the Ghosts of Milton Walking Tour, also known as the Ghost Walk. This event, held by the Santa Rosa Historical Society every October, takes place in downtown Milton, Florida and offers a unique look at the history of Santa Rosa County.
On November 17, 2012, the Roche family celebrated the 75th birthday of Williemina Roche. This beautiful celebration was held at the Elk's Lodge on beautiful Pensacola Beach, FL and consisted of dancing, singing, and great food.
This is a PSA promoting "Reach for a Cure," an annual Halo tournament designed to raise money for Relay for Life. The "Reach for a Cure" organization has not only helped to raise money, but has also helped unite the younger demographic in the northwest Florida region (specifically the towns of Jay, Milton, and Pace) in coming together to have fun and help out a good cause. They have raised an average of five to six hundred dollars per year for Relay for Life since their first tournament in 2010.